(e) Write a program to receive an integer and find its octal equivalent. (Hint: To obtain octal equivalent to an integer,divide it continuously by 8 till dividend doens't become zero,then write the remainders obtained in reverse direction */ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main() { int num,r,res=0,oct=0,flag=0; printf("Etner an integer:"); scanf("%d",&num); r=num; // get the remainder while(r!=0) { res=res*10+r%8; //check for zero at first position if(res==0) { flag=1; } r=r/8; } // reverse number while (res!=0) { oct=oct*10+res%10; res=res/10; } // if first position contain zero then multiply the number with 10 if(flag==1) { oct=oct*10; } printf("The octal of %d is %d",num,oct); return 0; }